Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bullying happens to everyone...

Bullying is something that has been happening to someone close to me. The media has really done us a disservice. We do see stories about bullying in the media, but they are always a child, teenager, or young adult. It does happen in those age groups, but it also happens to adults. My friend is the same age as I am. Her bullies? Adults as well. 

What is not understood is the difference between having an opinion and bullying. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. I am fully aware that everyone does not, nor will they ever, agree with me 100%. The United States was founded so that people of differing opinions could have a place to live where they could act upon their opinions without oppression.

You have a right to your opinion. You have the right to act upon your opinions. If you don't want to see a movie, don't. If you don't want to read a book, don't. If you don't like a person, you have the right to walk away, not spend your time focused on them. You DON'T have the right to punish them. You DON'T have the right to make their lives a living hell. You can believe what you want. 

We have just gone through a presidential election. I have many friends that have differing political opinions than I do. Many of them may not even know how I voted. I voted based on my opinions. I expect my friends did as well. But it is not my right to tell those people who voted differently than I did that they suck, they are dumb, and due to their vote I will make their lives a living hell. 

Just as I have an opinion, you do as well. Be grateful that we live in a place that we are allowed those opinions and the right to act upon those opinions. But we also need to remember that our opinions cannot be forced on others, they cannot be an excuse to be evil to others, they are not a license to bully.

Have a clear understanding of this as an adult and take the time to talk with your children about these rights. Help them to understand that there will NEVER be a person that agrees 100% with their opinions. We live in a land of many opinions but we must know how to properly 'get along' with others. 

One more note, be very clear of the laws of this land we live in. You may believe that I am a 'fraud', but if you go to a public setting, say Facebook or Twitter, and state your opinion, you have just broken the law by infringing on my rights. You have a right to your opinion, but if you state it as fact in a public setting, you have gone too far.

I have seen a lot over the last 15 months and have been shocked by the lengths people will go giving their opinions on situations that they have no personal stake in. 

If you are reading this and you are being cyberbullied, let me give you some advice. Protect yourself. Print a hard copy of every incident as soon as it happens. That way, if the bully decides to delete it, you will still have a record of the abuse for prosecution if necessary. Surround yourself with the many who love you. Talk about it, don't keep it to yourself. Find trusted people who you can talk to and that will support you and help you remember who you truly are. If you need help, leave me a comment here and I can put you in touch with some resources and people who will and want to help you. If you comment here, no one will see it. I have the comments moderated and I will see your plea and respond to you without making that comment public. And know that no matter who you are, there are people who care about you.

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