Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm really tired of snow....

After the weather here at Christmas (we had about 24" of snow in 2 weeks-usually we might get 2" in one day each winter) and the fact that I ended the show event by sliding down the small hill leaving my house, hit a parked car and then jumped the curb, ruining the suspension/alignment on my not even a year old minivan.

The next morning, I dropped the boys off at school, hit Target for lightbulbs and then was heading to the body shop. As I was leaving Target, a lady hit the back of my van cause she didn't look before pulling out. She hit the back end of my car. She had a Ford Expedition...didn't hurt her car, cremated my back corner.

My car was in the shop for 2 weeks. I just got it back on Wednesday afternoon. It is beautiful. They detailed it, it looks great, inside and out.

When my alarm went off to get ready for church this morning, I looked out and saw snow. It was stuck to all the grass, roofs, cars, etc. It wasn't stuck to the road. But the temperature was below freezing and the roads were all wet and the snow was still falling.

I am a wuss. I didn't want to wreck my pretty fixed up van AGAIN. So, I went back to sleep. Let the sick (colds) boys sleep in today. With DH out of town (Naval Reserve weekend), I wimped out. If he had been here, he would have driven and we would have gone, I'm sure. We did get dressed and head out to 'Crispy Chips' (what the kids call our favorite Mexican place) for lunch. DH doesn't like Mexican, so we only eat it when he isn't here. At lunch time, it was STILL snowing (has been since 11:00pm last night). The roads are fine now. I'll go to church tonight.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Why I Am The Queen

I think I should explain why I picked this title for my blog.

I have always been a girly girl. From day 1, I loved dressing up. I did not like getting dirty or messing up my hair. I loved my patent leather mary janes that Mom always bought me for church. As I got older, I tried sports. Soccer, to be exact. I was in 7th grade by then. What we discovered, and is still true to this day, is if you kick the ball to me, I squeal/scream. I'm not aware that I am doing it, I just do. When I helped out the church co-ed rec team in college (not cause I really wanted to play, they just needed more female bodies, and my boyfriend-now DH played), it was still true. I took a lot of heat for that one.

Now, I still love clothes, shoes, dressing up, doing my hair, and I LOVE makeup (most especially anything BE). I am still a GIRL.

From the time I was very small, I wanted to have my own little girl to share my love for all things girly with. My dolls and I were good friends :) As I got older, I figured that God, with His good sense of humor, would give me a girl, but she would be a huge tomboy who didn't love all my girly 'stuff'.

God's sense of humor, it seems, had more in store for me than that. When I got pregnant the first time (in 1998), I went to the u/s so excited, hoping for my girl. The very first thing I saw on the screen showed me that there was NO WAY this was a girl. I was disappointed for a moment but thought that God knew that DH needed a son first, He would give me a girl next time. J-man was born and was just a sweetheart. He was a social little guy and he still is today. He likes everyone and everyone likes him.

We decided it was time for number 2 (2001). I was so sure that my girl was on the way. I even bought a few girl outfits this time. Went to the u/s excited again. The beginning of this pregnancy was so different than the last one, I was sure it was a girl. God didn't keep me in suspense...the first thing I saw again showed me that there was NO WAY this was a girl. He showed off just like his brother had before. Little Dude joined the family. He reminds me of my sister, which seems to be as close as I get to a girl...

Both boys are very much BOYS, and their Daddy loves that. I live in a house full of testosterone. I know that is only going to get worse as they get older. I definitely feel outnumbered here many days. So I declared myself the Queen of Everything Here. I have no one who is challenging me for that title. The boys don't want it.

Now that I just passed a big birthday and with my health issues, I'm pretty sure my family is done. It definitely is according to DH. Now I am trying to figure out what to do with my girly stuff. I think I will have to 'adopt' some young ladies along the way to teach all about makeup and stuff....I would hate to think that all that I have learned would go to

So...that is why I am Queen. Someone pass me my crown and jewels and lets get on with it!!!