Thursday, May 3, 2012

L-dude's school problems

I know I have mentioned it on FB and Twitter, but for those of you who are confused, or wanting to know more, I thought I would lay out the situation here a bit more clearly.

The first thing I need you to know...If you happen to be one of my friends who I get to be with on a regular basis...L-dude knows NOTHING about this. As you continue to read this post, you will see why. Our decision not to tell him about this was made with his psychologist. So, my request is please don't mention this to him :).

Both boys have been attending school out of district for the last 6 years. There were many factors in that decision, which aren't really a part of this now. Each year I have to fill out a release form in the district where we live, and take it to the district headquarters of the district the boys attend in. Each year, around March, I get letters stating that they are both enrolled for the next year. The general message, in year's past, was that once you were 'in', you would remain 'in', so I have never really worried much about this process.

Around mid-March, I got the mail and there was a letter from the school district. My assumption was, it was the acceptance letter for L-dude. When I opened it, I was shocked to find that the school district had declared 9 schools 'closed' to enrollment for out of district transfers, both new AND EXISTING. Our elementary was on the list. The junior high J-man attends was not on the list, thank goodness. There was no information in the letter about an appeals process. Just a sentence saying that I was welcome to pick another school in the district that wasn't on the list and he could go there.

I love my little guy to pieces. But what many don't know is, he has a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. He has been on medication for that for 1.5 years. He's sees a psychologist every other week. He does not do change well. AT ALL. Each fall, even though he knows his fellow students, the school building, and the basic staff, he worries all summer long about school starting each year. This fall, he did not relax at school until mid-November. It takes him that long to feel safe in his surroundings. His teacher noted this year that she really didn't get to know him as person until the second grading period.

So, being told that I should pick a school he has never seen and knows no one immediately sent us into battle. I have spoken to many at the school, at the district level. I have spoken at 2 school board meetings. I have worked with our favorite board member (We love you Ms D!) and tried to get an appeal process put into place. That is still in process. I have learned a lot about our district, school board, and superintendent through this process, a lot of it being not flattering to a district that is supposed to be one of the best in our state. 

As part of the process, I had to file an appeal with the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. The appeal is to be heard by a judge. I asked many people if I needed an attorney for this process. I was told by all that I asked that I didn't need an attorney. I called in for the pretrial conference and found it to be WAY more formal than I thought and that the district had their attorney representing them. Not at all what I was led to believe. I was informed that I have to submit exhibits and witness lists. I have to make an opening and closing statement. I have to cross examine witnesses. All against someone who went to school for this and passed the bar, none of which I have done. It really threw me for a loop yesterday.

I have a plan.  Since the case is next week, I won't share my plan right now. Now I am just giving myself the 'you CAN do this" pep talk. Please keep me in your thoughts as I prepare for this. The case is to be heard next Thursday at 9:00am. If you could spare a prayer for me then, I would appreciate that as well. I wish I didn't have to do this, but I feel like I owe L-dude and I need to be able to tell him that we did everything that we could in this fight. So I will press on.

And if you could pray for him as this all plays out. Pray for his understanding. Prayers for the next steps for him. That the right choices will be made and that he will be okay with whatever that is.  I want to keep seeing this happy face as much as possible....

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